Lifetime Arts supports your entire creative aging journey, from program planning and implementation to expanding older adult participation, fostering community partnerships, and securing funding resources. Explore all of our services below, or tailor your search based on your organizational or individual needs.
Services for Organizations, Government Agencies, and Teaching Artists

Lifetime Arts offers nationally renowned creative aging training, equipping your team to serve older adults with practical tools and techniques. Our seminars, workshops, and multi-day courses—available online or in person—cover foundational practices, accessibility, sustainability, and program design. Led by experienced practitioners, our training is evidence-based, adaptable to all learning styles, and fun!
Creative Aging Overview
An introduction to creative aging, and how it improves the lives of older adults.
60 minutes
- Research on arts and aging
- Inherent biases about aging
- Best practices in the field
- What’s different about adult learning
- How to apply K-12 arts ed expertise to 55+
- How to develop responsive programming that is inclusive, diverse, and equitable
Undoing Ageism
Learn how ageism impacts program design—and how creative aging can help overcome it in your institution.
90 minutes
- New research on ageism’s impacts
- About personal age beliefs and biases
- How arts programming challenges ageist stereotypes and fosters connection
- Strategies to make their organization more age-friendly
Foundations for
Teaching Artists
Learn how to design and deliver inclusive and responsive creative aging programs in diverse settings
6 hours
- Exemplary programs across artistic disciplines
- Program curriculum design
- How to embed social engagement activities
- Ageism’s impact on program design
- Best practices for in-person and virtual programming
- How to partner with older adult communities
Foundations for Orgs
Learn how to launch creative aging programming and engage necessary stakeholders to support its success.
6 hours
- The planning, delivery, and sustainability of successful programming
- How to develop impactful cross-sector and community partnerships
- How to deliver programming
Curriculum Design
for Teaching Artists
Receive customized feedback on your creative aging curricula.
6 hours
- How to further develop and design a curriculum for older adults
Inclusive By Design
for Teaching Artists
Dive deeper into designing inclusive programs for diverse abilities and learning styles.
6 hours
- How ageism and ableism impact program delivery
- Accessibility best practices
- How to apply universal design principles to their curriculum
- How to utilize artform-specific adaptive tools to design fully inclusive programs
Funding + Sustainability
Equip your team with practical tools and advice for growing and sustaining creative aging.
90 minutes
- Current data and trends in the field that support creative aging across sectors
- Strategies for integrating creative aging into your budgeting, planning, partnership development, and fundraising to maximize success

Program + Curriculum Design Coaching
Attending a Lifetime Arts training equips you with essential creative aging knowledge and tools, but applying it can be challenging. That’s why we offer coaching packages as part of our professional development services. Our expert coaches support administrators, program staff, and teaching artists, helping troubleshoot challenges as they arise in all areas of program delivery, and ensuring curricular plans are developed to maximize success.
Curriculum Design for Teaching Artists
Receive customized feedback on your creative aging curricula.
20 minutes
- Strategies for enhancing their lesson plan and facilitation skills
- Approaches to setting up remote or in-person learning environments to effectively and inclusively engage all older adult learners
Vision Planning for Orgs
Need support on getting creative aging programs started at your organization or in your state or local community?
30 minutes
- How to identify creative aging programming that best aligns with your goals, older adults’ interests, and available resources
Program Development for Orgs
Get customized feedback and advice on how to effectively develop and implement your creative aging programs.
30 minutes
- Best practices in community assessment
- Strategies for identifying and hiring teaching artists
- Best practices in program design and implementation
Available in small groups or one-one-one sessions with review of pre-work

Consulting + Executive Coaching
Whether you’re new to creative aging, or you’re building a plan to sustain and expand your current offerings, Lifetime Arts is here to walk beside you every step of the way. We offer tailored consulting and coaching services to support strategic planning, partnerships, funding, and sustainability, and case-making, helping you address your community’s unique challenges and opportunities.
Community Assessments
Identify opportunities, gaps, and partners to create responsive programs for your organization and community.
60 minutes + prep work
- Strategies in creating responsive programming based upon community assessments
- Tools and procedures to effectively identify internal assets and external opportunities for advancing creative aging
Cross-sector Partnership Development
Build strong cross-sector partnerships that support programming via shared capacity and fundraising.
60 minutes + prep work
- How to align priorities with various cross-sector partners to serve a common constituency
- How to develop buy-in from leadership at partnering institutions
Building Buy-in + Case-making
Build buy-in from board members, funders, and the community via impactful program documentation and evaluation data.
60 minutes + prep work
- How to effectively tell the story on the impact of creative aging work
- How to align the evidence of program outcomes with the priorities of decision makers
Funding + Sustainability
Explore a strategic framework to sustain an institution’s creative aging efforts.
60 minutes + prep work
- Strategies to integrate creative aging into your organization’s budgeting
- Strategic planning, partnership development, and long-term fundraising plans to maximize success

Creative Aging Foundations Training Calendar
Beginning in April, we will be offering our Creative Aging Foundations training for individuals and organizations on a monthly basis. Whether you’re an artist, educator, or administrator, this training serves as a comprehensive guide to integrating creative aging into older adult programming, services, and care. Over three interactive, 2-hour sessions, you’ll explore creative aging’s best practices, engage in expert-led discussions, and participate in a live demonstration class.
Learn More + Pre-Register Here

The Creative Aging Collaborative (Co-Lab)
The Creative Aging Collaborative (The Co-Lab) is our new interactive community space for program staff, teaching artists, and administrators who have attended Lifetime Arts’ Creative Aging Foundations Training. Continue learning, networking, and improving your practice with real talk, advice, insights, and stories of inspiration from fellow Co-Lab members, guest speakers, and Lifetime Arts staff. Group memberships for teams are available.
Learn More and Subscribe
How To Get Started in Three Easy Steps!

Step One
Complete our inquiry form linked below.

Step Two
We’ll schedule a 30 minute consultation with you.

Step Three
We’ll recommend services that will best help you achieve your vision.
Generally speaking, we schedule training engagements a minimum of 12 weeks in advance. All packages are customized to meet your needs, but to get a general idea of how much different services cost, you can check out this sample price list below.