Creative Aging in Wyoming Public Libraries Initiative Adds Seed Grant Program

Lifetime ArtsMarch 10, 2025

Lifetime Arts announced that in addition to the professional development training for teaching artists and library programmers previously announced as part of the Creative Aging in Wyoming Public Libraries project, this initiative will now also include a $150,000 seed grant program to support arts education programming for older adults in public libraries throughout the state.

black map of the U.S. with Wyoming state outlined in white


Shannon McDonough
Lifetime Arts

This innovative collaboration promotes wellness and combats social isolation through anti-ageism training and community-based arts education programming.

NEW ROCHELLE, NY: Today, Lifetime Arts announced that in addition to the professional development training for teaching artists and library programmers previously announced as part of the Creative Aging in Wyoming Public Libraries project, this initiative will now also include a $150,000 seed grant program to support arts education programming for older adults in public libraries throughout the state.

This unique partnership between the Wyoming Arts Council, the Wyoming State Library and Lifetime Arts has received funding from both the Wyoming Community Foundation and the May & Stanley Smith Charitable Trust. Importantly, this project reinforces a new model for cross-sector creative aging alliances, an innovation initiated by Lifetime Arts in New York State.

Through a competitive re-grant program, libraries whose staff complete the multi-part training will be eligible to apply for a $4,000 seed grant to support two creative aging workshop series each. The funding will cover teaching artists’ fees, workshop materials, and supplies. Up to 20 libraries will be funded, for a total of 40 programs serving up to 600 older adults. Said Lifetime Arts co-founder and CEO, Maura O’Malley:

“Participating libraries will become community anchors for wellness programming for older adults with the arts at the core. Wyoming’s professional teaching artists will extend their practices to new populations. And the state’s older adults will re-ignite and access their creativity in a socially-supportive environment. Whether in-person or online, creative aging programs have been proven to enrich the lives of those who participate in them — critical for anyone as they age, and especially needed now.”

Creative aging programming embraces older adults as learners, expands the impact of teaching artists and provides community organizations with a positive and creative approach to programming. Lifetime Arts will train teaching artists and librarians to be anti-ageist in their approach to developing and delivering socially-engaging, skill-building, participatory arts programming for older adults. The training will feature best practices in remote program delivery, a necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic.


About Lifetime Arts
Lifetime Arts connects the people, funding, ideas and strategies necessary to increase the number and quality of professional arts programs for older adults. By helping to develop policy, sharing best practices and providing expert technical assistance in the design, funding and implementation of creative aging programs, we help organizations and individuals build livable communities for all ages.

Shannon McDonough
Lifetime Arts

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