This October, Lifetime Arts will be participating in a series of virtual and in-person engagements for arts and aging professionals in New York, Ohio and Florida. We will deliver presentations on a variety of creative aging topics for students, older adults, artists and arts educators and network with professionals in the arts and public health sectors. Read on to learn more about these opportunities.
Creating Healthy Communities Convening
October 10-11; University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine, Orlando (In-Person)
The Creative Healthy Communities Convening is a two-day event designed to provide professionals in the arts, public health, and community development sectors the opportunities for connection, dialogue, strategic thinking, learning, and collaboration around building healthier, more equitable communities in the U.S.
As a participating attendee, Lifetime Arts aims to learn new program models, initiatives, and trends in the field; strengthen new and existing partnerships; and generate ideas and innovation around increasing creative aging opportunities for older adults across the country.
This convening is presented by the University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine and hosted by the Pabst Steinmetz Foundation and the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Visit the event page for more information and registration details.
University of Cincinnati Arts Education Course
October 17; University of Cincinnati (Virtual)

Heather Ikemire, Lifetime Arts’ Deputy Director, will deliver a virtual, creative aging presentation to students at the University of Cincinnati as part of an arts education course taught by Quanice G. Floyd, Executive Director at the National Guild for Community Arts Education. Heather will introduce future arts administration professionals to Lifetime Arts’ work, creative aging benefits and research, and the importance of understanding and combating ageism and its impact on older adult learners.
The Creative Center Training Institute for Artists and Administrators in Arts-in-Healthcare and Creative Aging
October 25; The Creative Center at University Settlement, NYC (Virtual)
On October 25, Lifetime Arts returns as a featured presenter at the 20th annual Training Institute for Artists and Administrators in Arts-in-Healthcare and Creative Aging, presented by The Creative Center at University Settlement.

Maura O’Malley, Lifetime Arts CEO/Co-Founder, will present, “Lifetime Arts: The State of the Field,” which will provide artists and administrators in the arts and health sectors an overview of the creative aging field and current research, exemplary programs that include cross sector partnerships, ageism and its impact on program design and delivery, and best practices in remote programming implementation. The presentation will follow with a robust Q&A session.
Senator Krueger’s Virtual Senior Resource Fair
October 25-27; Senator Liz Krueger, Chair of the New York State Senate Finance Committee (Virtual)

Dancers aged 55+ from Dances for a Variable Population (DVP), an organization featured in this creative aging session, perform at the convening, “Advancing Creative Aging in NYC,” presented by The New York Community Trust. Credit: Jeremy Amar
On October 27, Maura O’Malley and Heather Ikemire will facilitate a 90-minute creative aging session for older adults in the 28th New York State Senate District as part of Senator Liz Krueger‘s three-day Virtual Senior Resource Fair. The session will include an overview of creative aging and the positive aging framework. Leaders from partnering organizations will share information about their exemplary creative aging programs. The featured speakers include:
- Naomi Goldberg Haas, Founder and Director, Dances for a Variable Population (DVP)
- Laura Marceca, Associate Director of Older Adult Services, Greenwich House
- Rose Ginsberg, Director, Lenox Hill Neighborhood House
- Jessica Leylavergne, Director of Visual and Performing Arts, Lenox Hill Neighborhood House
This session will conclude with a Q&A discussion with older adult attendees.
For more information and to register for this event, please visit their RSVP page.