The Importance of Teaching Artists

Lifetime ArtsJanuary 16, 2025

At the center of a truly great Creative Aging program is the teaching artist. They are the boots on the ground, who are teaching new skills to curious minds and turning a group of strangers into lifelong friends. Teaching artists make the learning fun and engaging, and they accomplish all of this with a sense of ease and grace. That’s why, in August of 2015, we started a Teaching Artist of the Month feature on our blog – to help bring recognition to the amazing teaching artists on our Roster.
Although our teaching artists work in a variety of art forms and across many locations, they all shared some common views on working with older adults. Most stated that their students were “fearless” and “willing to try anything” when it came to creating. And, almost everyone commented on the amount of life experience their students brought to each class and the importance of honoring that lifetime of knowledge.

To date, we have celebrated the work of 14 of our Roster artists, and we will continue to highlight other amazing teaching artists in 2017. You can learn more about all of the Teaching Artists of the month below!

2015-16 Teaching Artists of the Month

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What is the Roster?

Lifetime Arts’ Creative Aging Roster is a free public service – an evolving national online directory of teaching artists who are peer reviewed and qualified to design and deliver instructional arts programs for older adults.

Need a Teaching Artist? Search the Roster to find qualified Teaching Artists in your area.

Join the Roster

Professional Teaching Artists can join the Roster to be promoted and connected to employment and professional development opportunities. Become part of a national network of artists and community members who are working together to improve the quality of life of older adults through arts education. Start an Application!

Check back next month where we will feature a new Teaching Artist who has excelled in the field of Creative Aging.

Thank you to all of our Roster artists for all of your hard work.

Roster Artist Happenings

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Linda Luisi


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(Creativity Retreat) Costa Rica


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Lee Brozgol


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(Exhibition) New York, NY


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Karen Fitzgerald


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(Exhibition) New York, NY


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