Teaching Artistry & Adults 55+: Individual Perspectives on Creative Aging

Lifetime ArtsMarch 10, 2025

Teaching Artists: Make Your Voices Heard!

Teaching Artists: Make Your Voices Heard!

This survey is one of eight projects currently underway as part of the National Guild for Community Arts Education-‘s Teaching Artist Development Track, and one of three National Surveys on Creative Aging that we are publishing this year.

In November our CEO and Co-Founder, Maura O’Malley sat down with teaching artists (TA’s) and other field leaders to draft this national survey on creative aging from the perspective of TA’s.  With input from the group, the Lifetime Arts team has created  this survey which, distributed nationally,  will gather information from teaching artists about working with older adults . It will help inform Creative Aging stakeholders about training and professional development  needs, hiring practices and wages and other areas of interest in the field.  By developing a clear picture of TA’s experiences, interests and needs, we will collectively be better able to support their growth in this important field.  

If you are a teaching artist working in the United States please take a moment to share and be a part of this survey.

This survey is part of the National Guilds Teaching Artist Development Track, sponsored by Aroha Philanthropies in partnership with Lifetime Arts.

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Teaching Artists




Teaching Artistry

