Lifetime Arts to Deliver “Combating Ageism in a Socially Distanced World” in Rootwork Series

Lifetime ArtsMarch 10, 2025

Lifetime Arts’ Director of Education, Annie Montgomery and Pushcart Prize Nominated Poet, Mary Moore Easter, will present the virtual workshop, “Combating Ageism in a Socially Distanced World,” during Rootwork, an online learning series about how to create programming informed by, and supportive of, the many, varied lived experiences of our communities in the unique context of this moment.

Headshot of Annie Montgomery.


On February 10, 2021, Lifetime Arts’ Director of Education, Annie Montgomery and Pushcart Prize Nominated Poet, Mary Moore Easter, will present the virtual workshop, “Combating Ageism in a Socially Distanced World,” during Rootwork, an online learning series hosted by National Guild for Community Education about how to create programming informed by, and supportive of, the many, varied lived experiences of our communities in the unique context of this moment. This series is open to all and takes place December 2, 2020 through February 24, 2021.

During this workshop, participants will learn how creative aging arts education programs combat ageism and are a pathway to reconnect older adults to one another, and to their communities in the midst of the pandemic.


About Rootwork: Grounding Community Arts Education Beyond the Pandemic

Nationwide throughout the pandemic, community arts education organizations have been working iteratively to reconfigure programming for their new realities—not least of which includes addressing the severe social inequities that COVID-19 has so clearly revealed. In April, the National Guild held several series in initial response to the pandemic through which we, along with many arts education practitioners, co-learned about how organizations have adapted their programming most responsively when centering the communities whom have been historically marginalized by racist, colonialist, ableist, and ageist systems. These communities’ resilience offers us all tremendous leadership.

Designed specifically for cultural workers in community arts education, this series will help you navigate the “new normal” and co-create programming by / with / for your communities towards a brighter future.

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Arts Organization



Strategic Priority

Creative Aging Access