NPR’s Ina Jaffe Covers Lifetime Arts Programming for All Things Considered

Lifetime ArtsJanuary 24, 2025

Two of our master teaching artists, Lauren Jost and Dave Johnson are co-teaching a memoir class titled “I Know a Thing or Two”, at the main branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. The sessions are well attended with participants sharing their experiences and diverse backgrounds as the impetus for their stories. Lifetime Arts’ work in public libraries  has garnered the attention of NPR correspondent Ina Jaffe. You can hear Ms. Jaffe’s report as broadcasted on NPR on July 4th below, or read the article here:

There is a free culminating event open to the public, where participants will share their work with the community at:

Brooklyn Public Library, Central Library
10 Grand Army Plaza
2nd Floor Balcony Conference Room
Brooklyn, NY  11238

Date:  Wednesday, July 19th 2017

Time:  11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

For more information on the class or culminating event call Luz Acevedo at 718-230-2443.

For more information about Creative Aging and Lifetime Arts call 914-355-2304.

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Art Forms

Autobiography/Memoir, Literary Arts






Advocacy, Teaching Artistry

Strategic Priorities

Creative Aging Access, Healthy Aging