Everyone deserves access to the arts. Lifetime Arts is here to make creative aging programs and resources accessible to all.
How Our Training is Made Accessible

Our Digital Tools & Platforms
We utilize digital tools and platforms that prioritize and stay up-to-date with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). At Lifetime Arts, we are also constantly learning and iterating on our own offerings and website to best accommodate a wider audience.
Accommodations on ALL Offerings
Our registration form includes specific fields for training attendees to submit their accessibility requests well in advance of an upcoming training. For all engagements, we send presentation slides ahead of training, we offer live captioning with Zoom, and our digital/printable resources have either been updated or are currently being audited for screen readers and accessibility.

Accommodations Available Upon Request
Depending on the type of engagement, recordings may be available for a period of time. Lifetime Arts takes pride in creating a safe space for participants, so we must also consider privacy of participants with accessibility requests.
Spanish Language Translation
Skilled English/Spanish bilingual trainers are available upon request to provide live translation for discussions, recordings, and post-training resources. Currently, no other languages are available. This is only available for contracted services for an additional fee. (This service is not available for our public calendar of trainings, where organizations and individuals register by the seat.)

We are Always Learning
We are continuously learning and your input and requests are crucial to creating the culture of inclusivity and universal accessibility that Lifetime Arts is constantly striving for. Thank you!
Requests for Accommodations

Requests for accommodation can be made by directly emailing our Accessibility Coordinator, Torie Klocko, at tklocko@lifetimearts.org.
Accessibility and Inclusive Design Resources
Lifetime Arts also provides tools and templates for designing and delivering inclusive and accessible programs. Learn how other creative aging providers, organizations, and experts are incorporating inclusive and accessible practices into their programming.
Facility Assessment Survey
This survey is designed to assist organizations with accessing their program site and specifications for their artform and creative aging program.
Patron Survey for Remote Programming
This survey is designed to assist program site organizations and instructors with identifying art disciplines that older adult in their communities are interested in learning via remote creative aging programming.
Empowering Creativity for All: How Universal Design Makes Creative Aging Programs Thrive
In this issue of The Creative Aging Resource Journal, we explore the importance of integrating universal design principles in creative aging practices, and feature accessibility tips and program examples from Lifetime Arts Trainers.
What Do the 7 Principles of Universal Design Look Like in the Art Room?
Lindsey McGinnis shares how universal design principles support inclusion and accessibility in art programs. Much of this is applicable to creative aging programs so this can be a helpful resource for teaching artists.