Lifetime Arts Receives $50,000 Grant from Helen Andrus Benedict Foundation for Creative Aging Programs in Westchester Libraries

Lifetime ArtsJanuary 16, 2025

The Helen Andrus Benedict Foundation has awarded Lifetime Arts, Inc. a grant to  support their partnership with the Westchester Library System (WLS) –  Creative Aging in New York State Public Libraries: a Regional Model with National Applicability. This two year project, funded through the Institute of Museum and Library Services also includes the Brooklyn Public Library, the New York Public Library, and the Clinton Essex Franklin Library System in upstate New York.  The initiative will serve up to 1,000 older adults through instructional arts programs in up to 60 libraries in these four demographically diverse public library systems. Funding from the Helen Andrus Benedict Foundation  significantly increases the number of projects that will be funded in Westchester libraries.  Beginning in the spring of 2012 Lifetime Arts will begin orientations sessions for Westchester libraries which will allow them to apply for funds which will support instructional arts workshops (in all disciplines) led by professional teaching artists. These sessions will foster mastery and promote meaningful social engagement—two key ingredients for positive aging.

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