Lifetime Arts Welcomes 23 New Teaching Artists to The Creative Aging Roster
Last month, Lifetime Arts convened a panel to review and vet the latest round of applicants to the Creative Aging Roster, a free service we offer which provides direct access to teaching artists who are qualified to instruct older adults in community settings.
With the addition of the following 23 artists, there are now over 100 vetted teaching artists from 9 states on the Roster: CA, CT, FL, MA, NJ, NY, OH, PA and WA.
Congratulations to our newest Roster artists!
To View & Search Artist Profiles
In order to search for and view artists’ profiles on the Roster, new users will need to create a profile first.
1. If you are a first-time user, please click on the “Create Your Profile” button (pictured at left) to begin.
2. We will ask you to indicate whether you are an individual or an organization, and we will prompt you to enter a desired username, password, and email address. You will then receive a verification email at the address you have supplied.
3. Then, please click on the link in the email to verify your email address.
4. Finally, enter the username and password that you selected to access and search the Roster.